101 Cook Books (www.101cookbooks.com)
Abel &Cole - I aspire to do my food shopping here one day! (www.abelandcole.co.uk)
Aldi Recipes - a surprising source for interesting recipes (Aldi Recipes)
Ching-He Huang's - writer of Chinese Food Made Easy (Ching-He's website)
Debbie & Andrew's sausage recipes (http://www.debbieandandrews.co.uk/section.php?id=300)
Delia Homepage - classic & essential (http://www.deliaonline.com/)
Divine be mine - my friend Claire's amazing cake business (http://www.divinebemine.com/index.html)
Emma Bridgewater - some of the nicest things in your kitchen (http://www.emmabridgewater.co.uk)
Gneiss Spice - storage solutions for the urbanite (http://www.etsy.com/shop/GneissSpice)
Julia and Julie official trailer - I recommend this film to all (trailer)
Kenwood - excellent British brand which has been around since the 1950s (Kenwood) Lakeland Ltd - endless useful gadgets made in the UK (http://www.lakeland.co.uk/)
Laura Ashley Home - Beautiful British Home-ware (http://www.lauraashley.com/icat/homefurnishings)
Le Creuset - the best pan brand on the planet (in my opinion) (www.lecreuset.co.uk)
Moroccan Product Shop on eBay - where I bought my tagine (Service before sales)
Nigella's Homepage (www.nigella.com)
Pinch My Salt .com - Food, Recipes & Photography (http://pinchmysalt.com/)
Rachel Allen's homepage (http://www.rachelallen.co.uk/)
Sophie Conran (http://www.sophieconran.com/)
The Travelling Hen - Funky Kitchenware Shop (TheTravellingHen)