Sunday, 24 January 2010

Chicken Soup for the Soul

So simple and so comforting. My Mum and her Mum always referred to it as Jewish Penicillin which I have always thought was an excellent name for it as it really does make feel better when your feeling one degree under.

Take the chicken bones/carcass left over from roast or Maple Chicken perhaps. Put in a big pan with an onion and any other veg you like, any left over cooking juices, salt and pepper to taste:

Add water, right to the top of the pan. Bring to the boil, then turn down to a simmer and keep it simmering as long as possible, a few hours if you can. This process is a lot quicker if you have a pressure cooker, which I am yet to get, but my Mum tells me it takes 45 mins to get a perfect stock, so I think I will definately invest in one at some point.

Once you have boiled it for as long as you can, strain it off to get your stock. At this point you can just keep it and freeze it for any recipes which require stock.

Or you can go on and make it into Chicken soup - I usually do this by adding a packet or two of cuppa soup, but you can add noodles, veg, chicken pieces, possibilities are endless.

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